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'전체 글'에 해당되는 글 5705

  1. 2021.11.19 Kim Jong-kook lambastes Canadian fitness YouTuber
2021. 11. 19. 19:58

Kim Jong-kook lambastes Canadian fitness YouTuber Any2021. 11. 19. 19:58


Kim Jong-kook lambastes Canadian fitness YouTuber (koreaherald.com)


Kim Jong-kook lambastes Canadian fitness YouTuber

Entertainer Kim Jong-kook is seeking to put an end to doping rumors, and most recently he appeared in a YouTube video with a media lawyer to talk about defamation. In the video, posted Thursday on Kim’s bodybuilding channel, media and telecommunications



Entertainer Kim Jong-kook is seeking to put an end to doping rumors, and most recently he appeared in a YouTube video with a media lawyer to talk about defamation.
In Kim’s video on Thursday, he said this would be the end of the matter.

“I am thinking of giving the Canadian YouTuber a chance to apologize as a human and as a man. But whether he apologizes or not, the doping control test results will be revealed next week and I will be done with steroid-related content. I promise viewers that I will return with more fun and healthy content,” he said.

I don't understand that Canadian youtuber.

If the true is revealed next week, he has to apologize deeply to him.


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Posted by 패치#노트